ดร.พลชัย โชติปรายนกุล

ดร.พลชัย โชติปรายนกุล
Dr. Pholchai Chotiprayanakul
· Ph.D. (Manufacturing System Engineering) University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia
· วศ.ม. (วิศวกรรมระบบการผลิต) มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าธนบุรี
· วศ.บ. (วิศวกรรมอุตสาหการ) สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าธนบุรี
Research Interest
· Automation System and Robotics
· Manufacturing Processes
· Tools and Punch/Die Design
โทรศัพท์: 02-329-8339 ต่อ 123
E-mail: kcpholch@kmitl.ac.th
[1] Jientrakul R.; Yuangyai C.; Chotiprayanakul P.; Limnararat S.; “Multiple-Performance Optimization for Human-Robot Collaboration: a Translation Motion in a Tele-Sandblasting Maintenance System”, 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management”, Kuala Lumper, Malaysia, March 8-10, 2016
[2] Ranon Jientralkul, Sunpasit Limnararat, Chumpol Yuangyai, Wipoo Srisuebsai, Pholchai Chotiprayanakul, “Investigating of Human-Robot Collaboration in a Mixed-Reality Tele-Sandblasting Maintenance System”, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2015), 8-11 December 2015, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp148-155.
[3] P. Chotiprayanakul, D.K. Liu, and G. Dissanayake (2012), “Human–robot–environment interaction interface for robotic grit-blasting of complex steel bridges”, Elsevier Automation in Construction, Vol. 27, Nov 2012, pp11-23.
[4] P. Chotiprayanakul, D.K. Liu, and G.Paul (2011), “Effect of View Distance and Movement Scale on Haptic-based Teleoperation of Industrial Robots in Complex Environments”, The 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2011), 29 June 2 July 2011, Soul, South Korea.
[5] P. Chotiprayanakul and D.K. Liu (2011), “Performance Improvement in Haptic-based Remote Operation of Sandblasting Robot by a Human Hand Movement Model”, The 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2011), 29 June - 2 July 2011, Soul, South Korea.
[6] P. Chotiprayanakul, D.K. Liu (2009), “Workspace Mapping and Force Control for Small Haptic Device based Robot Teleoperation”, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA 2009), 22-25 June 2009, Zhuhai/Macau, China, pp1613-1618.
[7] P. Chotiprayanakul, D. Wang, N.M. Kwok, D.K. Liu (2008), “A Haptic Base Human Robot Interaction Approach for Robotic Grit Blasting”, Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2008), 26-29 June 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp148-154.
[8] P. Chotiprayanakul, D.K. Liu, D. Wang, G. Dissanayake (2007), “Collision-free trajectory planning for manipulators using virtual force based approach”, Proceeding of the International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST 2007), November 21-23, 2007, Swissôtel Le Concorde, Bangkok, Thailand,4 pp.
[9] P. Chotiprayanakul, D.K. Liu, D. Wang, G. Dissanayake (2007), “A 3-dimensional force field method for robot collision avoidance in complex environments”, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2007), 19-21 September 2007, Kochi, Kerala, India, pp139-145. (Best student paper award)